The Kenyan Wedding Reception In Kenya, like the rest of the world, a wedding presents an opportunity for the family and friends to assemble and catch up with each other. In fact, most Africans find time to meet each other during weddings and funerals. Family members who have been long lost in the city find an opportunity to meet each other. Other than the initial ceremony that entails taking the oath of vows, the reception is another important session that all participants sing, dance and ululate. This video shows a wedding reception with a musical band playing live. Most of the songs are cultural in nature. For instance, the groom is a LUO. Most of the gospel songs sang are LUO songs that are accompanied with serious clapping of hands. This type of singing is known in Luo as 'Masira'. Other than clapping, you facial expression should be 'serious'. No laughter. The newly wed and all participants forget about order and join...