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Hera Remo gospel parody- Jakadala - Wuod Fibi (Davecha Moments)

In the Old Testament, people would be absloved of their sin after offering or sacrificing animals. The blood was a sign of death. The pouring of the blood was a sign that the person was forgiven his or her sins. The challenge came from the fact that the process had to be repeated each year or any time people would sin. It was a tiring process. Jesus Christ is the Chief High Priest, having entered into the holy of holies by His own blood. Unlike in the old times when Aaron when into the holy of hollies with the blood of animals, Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for all. There is no any other sacrifice that can be offered for our sins. We only need to believe in Him. According to Kristi Winkler in the blood of Jesus does several things for the believer. We are justified, forgiven, among other things when we accept Jesus and the work He did on the cross for us. May we all understand that no other sacrifice can cleanse our sins. Jesus did it for all of us. We need to believe in Him, welcome Him in our hearts and experience the great power of the blood of Jesus Christ.


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